From the long-awaited return of the Traverse City Film Festival to Grow Benzie’s Blues & Zydeco Fundraiser, here are the Northern Michigan Events you’re not going to want to miss this weekend. Selected just for you by our MyNorth Media and Traverse Magazine Office Manager extraordinaire, Libby Stallman!

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Northern Michigan Events Kicking-Off on July 28

July 22-31 | Old Art Building Art Exhibition | Leland

The 30th annual art exhibition at the Old Art Building showcases the artwork of more than 100 artists with a connection to Leelanau County. It helps support and draw attention to the many artists who live full or part-time in Leelanau County. 40% of all art sales will benefit the Old Art Building.

July 26-31 | Traverse City Film Festival | Traverse City

TCFF returns this summer! Plan on six days, 40+ incredible movies, 4-5 theaters and the Open Space, with nearly 2 dozen filmmakers and stars attending in person! Grab our 2022 guide for this year’s film fest here.

Traverse City Film Festival

Photo by Dave Weidner

July 28-31 | Tractor, Engine & Craft Show | Boyne Falls

Northern Michigan Antique-Flywheelers 35th Annual Tractor, Engine and Craft Show is a celebration and education of the past!

July 28-30 | Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland | Traverse City

A twisted take on a beloved tale, ALICE brings new life into Lewis Carroll’s Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland with this Parallel 45 Theatre production. Through pop rock hits from the 90s and 2000s, ALICE is a rebellious tale of discovering the strength in one’s heart. Grab your tickets here.

Can’t-Miss Events on Friday, July 29

July 29 | Sleeping Bear Dunes Guided Hike | Empire

Join Anishinaabe Historian Eric Hemenway for two special guided hikes through Sleeping Bear Dunes National Lakeshore! Learn how plants and policies shaped the Anishinaabe peoples connection to Northern Michigan.

July 29 | Benzie Bayou | Elberta

At this one-of-a-kind music fest, internationally renowned musicians perform blues, jazz and zydeco music with food vendors cooking up southern-style cuisine. Proceeds also benefit Grow Benzie. Benzie Bayou: Blues & Zydeco Fundraiser is located in Elberta. Grab your tickets for Benzie Bayou here.

bayou in the barn

Photo by Grow Benzie

July 29 | Folk Music Night | Thompsonville

Head to Michigan Legacy Art Park for an evening of folk music by Yid Vicious. The band has been spreading its infectious, original blend of Freylekh fun throughout the Midwest and beyond for over a decade. Snag your tickets here. 

Northern Michigan Events on July 30 & 31

July 30 | Art Fair | Traverse City

Don’t miss the 61st Annual Crooked Tree Art Fair at the Traverse City Civic Center!

arts and crafts fair with shelf of pottery mugs and lots of people looking around

Photo by

July 31 | Winer Dinner Series | Kewadin

WaterFire Vineyards is introducing its 2022 Wine Dinner series. This year, the vineyard is featuring Chef Susan Patterson of Savour + Nourish. Susan is focused on locally-sourced ingredients and providing guests with an interactive experience. Get your tickets for the Wine Dinner Series here.

Photo(s) by Traverse City Film Festival